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Dynamic Currency

The plugin allows users to view product prices and conduct transactions in their preferred currency. This eliminates the need for mental conversions and provides a familiar shopping experience, enhancing user comfort and engagement. When a user selects their preferred currency, the plugin automatically converts product prices and displays them in the chosen currency. This simplifies the shopping process and reduces friction, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates..

Easy Installation

The dynamic currency package installation and configuration are very easy with few steps.

Real-Time Exchange Rates

The plugin integrates with reliable currency exchange rate APIs to ensure that the displayed prices are accurate and up-to-date

Currency Switcher Widget

A currency switcher widget is usually placed prominently on the website, allowing users to easily switch between different currencies.

Customization Options

Admin has the ability to customize how currencies are displayed and formatted.

Key Features

Only $ 89 for lifetime

This package will add ability to change the marketplace currency. This feature empowers users to compare prices in various currencies and make informed purchasing decisions..

  • Fully automated workflow
  • Onetime configuration need
  • No extra charges to use the package
  • Lifetime license ownership
  • Free support with zCart license support.

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This plugin has some dependencies to function properly. Your zCart installation must have to have these below plugins to be installed and active before you can use this plugin.


  • Install and activate the package.
  • Ready to go!

Frequently Asked Questions

We've listed all FAQs here so that you can find the most common answers.

Do I still need to configure Stripe for commission?

No. The system will collect commission fees from vendor wallet balance.

Do I need to pay any extra fees to charge from wallet ?

No. As there is no payment processor involved in the process, you and your vendors don't have to spend any cost to charge from wallet.

Can I charge a different fees for a specific vendor ?

Yes. This package allows you to set special fees for any vendor. If the special fees are set, the system will charge the special amount from that particular vendor on the next billing cycle.

How much does it cost to keep using this package ?

Not a single penney! All you pay is a onetime license fee and you can use it for lifetime.

Have Question ? Get in touch!

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